
Aot season 2 manga chapters
Aot season 2 manga chapters

aot season 2 manga chapters

Conny tries to explain himself, mentioning his mother, but Reiner reminds him of the urgency of their mission and the lives at risk. With no further investigation needed, the Scouts depart, but as Conny mounts his horse the Titan atop his house speaks at him, saying "." Conny stares at the Titan in shock until Reiner comes to his side, urging him to join the rest of the Scouts. Conny's mood is lightened at this possibility, though Gelgar remains secretly skeptical considering the houses were all destroyed despite there being no signs of blood or gore, and furthermore the horses remained tied up at the town stables. Gelgar wonders at this while Lynne proposes the idea that they escaped to Wall Sina before the Titans arrived. Gelgar joins them and asks if any bodies were seen, and the three recruits admit to seeing none. Reiner comes to his side to comfort him while Bertholdt stands aside. Reiner and Bertholdt join him, asking if any survivors were found, and Conny tearfully informs them that no one was found. In the ruins of Ragako, Conny stands by his house where the small-limbed Titan lies. The veterans engage the Titans, and the Scouts under Hange ride for Utgard. At Utgard, Reiner confronts Ymir, but is interrupted when Titans are spotted outside. Hange explains how Eren may be able to seal the breach, and Nick refuses to talk after seeing refugees, but reveals who can. At night, the two Scout teams reunite, having found no breach in Wall Rose. Later, Gelgar's and Nanaba's teams begin separately surveying the Wall for a breach. Before the Scouts depart from Ragako, the Titan atop Conny's house welcomes him home.

Aot season 2 manga chapters